Hodnet Parish Council

Hodnet Parish Council

Welcome to the Hodnet Parish Council Website

Hodnet Parish Council has been in existence since January 1895. It consists of 11 councillors who are all unpaid volunteers and 1 parish clerk who is a paid employee of the council.

The council meet approximately every six weeks to discuss issues within the parish, such as street lighting, litter bins, the Hodnet Recreation Ground, bus shelters, local groups, planning applications and many other local matters. There are many issues affecting Hodnet which are not in the parish councils direct remit. In these cases we make representations where possible to those who do have responsibility for it. For example, by submitting our comments to Shropshire Council for planning matters, raising concerns regarding speeding to the Police and maintaining regular contact with our local Shropshire Councillor, Paul Gill.

The parish Clerk administers the council, dealing with correspondence, finance and communications. If you wish to contact the council the clerk can be contacted by email: clerk@hodnet-pc.gov.uk or by telephone: 07946 112161 The clerks position is part time so please leave a message if the call is not answered. Your councillors reside in the parish and are also happy to hear from you.

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Next Meetings Agenda


The Agenda will be attached here three clear days before the meeting. 

Upcoming Meeting Dates

All meetings are held at the Lyon Hall, Hodnet at 7.30pm  

Thursday 5th September 2024

Thursday 17th October 2024

Thursday 28th November 2024

Thursday 9th January 2025

Thursday 13th February 2025

Thursday 27th March 2025 (Annual Parish Meeting 7pm with full council meeting 7.30pm)




Draft Minutes