Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Hodnet Parish Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 93, you are viewing 80 - 89


address The Bungalow Hine Heath Stanton Upon Hine Heath Shrewsbury Shropshire SY4 4NA
description Application for prior approval under Schedule 2 Part 1, Class AA of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) for the erection of one additional storey
area Shropshire
start date 21/02/2023
decision Prior Approval Req and Approved PRCPCA - 28/03/2023


address Land Off Abbots Way Hodnet Shropshire TF9 3NQ
description Discharge of Condition 9 (Badger Inspection) relating to Planning Permission 22/00741/FUL
area Shropshire
start date 16/02/2023
decision Discharge Conditions Approved - 02/03/2023


address Proposed Holiday Let Unit West Of Oak Tree Cottage Kenstone Hodnet Shropshire
description Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for change of use of land to facilitate siting of glamping unit made up of 2no. cabins (part retrospective)
area Shropshire
start date 15/02/2023
decision Withdrawn - 28/03/2023


address Penwood Farm Peplow Market Drayton Shropshire TF9 3JY
description Replacement of approximately 70 metres of existing open wire conductor with ABC conductor
area Shropshire
start date 13/02/2023
decision No Objection OHL/Circular Notification - 20/03/2023


address Land Off Abbots Way Hodnet Shropshire TF9 3NQ
description Discharge of conditions 5 (Programme Archaeological Work), 7 (Construction Method Statement), 10 (Landscaping), 12 (Protection of Watercourse), 13 (Bat and Owl Method Statement), 15 (Phasing Plan) and 18 (External Lighting) relating to Planning Permission 22/00741/FUL
area Shropshire
start date 10/02/2023
decision Discharge Conditions Part Approved - 27/03/2023


address Land Off Abbots Way Hodnet Shropshire TF9 3NQ
description Discharge of conditions 6 (Roads) and 8 (Drainage) to Planning Permission 22/00741/FUL
area Shropshire
start date 10/02/2023
decision Discharge Conditions Part Approved - 27/03/2023


address Peplow Hall Peplow Market Drayton Shropshire TF9 3JP
description Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for change of use of seven dwellings, workshop and ancillary building to seven holiday lets (part-retrospective), spa, wedding and commercial venue
area Shropshire
start date 06/02/2023
decision Withdrawn - 21/03/2023


address Peplow Hall Peplow Market Drayton Shropshire TF9 3JP
description Listed Building Consent for amended window/doors in the Tithe Barn, new window in Orchard Croft and Workshop to facilitate the change of use to holiday lets, spa, wedding and commercial venue affecting Grade II Listed Buildings
area Shropshire
start date 06/02/2023
decision Withdrawn - 21/03/2023


address Oakdene Peplow Market Drayton Shropshire TF9 3JY
description Discharge of Conditions 3 (Trees), 5 (Trees), 6 (Drainage), 7 (Licence for Great Crested Newts), and 8 (Landscape) relating to Planning Permission 22/02912/FUL
area Shropshire
start date 18/01/2023
decision Discharge Conditions Approved - 17/02/2023


address Paradise Lodge Weston Under Redcastle Shrewsbury Shropshire TF9 3LN
description Internal and external alterations to the existing dwelling including the formation of a new external bridged walkway, along with the installation of secondary glazing to all windows. Repairs of external ground finishes and repointing of masonry affecting a Grade II Listed Building
area Shropshire
start date 13/01/2023
decision Grant Permission - 10/03/2023